On February 18, Liu Huafeng, general manager of the product business department of CBMI led a 17-member delegation of Sinoma Construction (CBMI) to visit and investigate Beixin Machinery Co., Ltd. (CNBM).

       A total of 10 foreign business managers visited this time, from Russia, Algeria, Nigeria, South Africa, the Philippines, Dominica and other countries.


General Manager Liu Huafeng led a group of outstanding foreign employees to visit multiple production workshops of Beixin Machinery, focusing on the gypsum board production line, gypsum powder production line, decorative board production line, keel production line and other projects, and had a strong interest in the gypsum board production line project. They fully affirmed the company's technology research and development and manufacturing experience, and said that their country has great demand and customer resources, and hopes to have more in-depth exchanges and cooperation.


       At the symposium, Chairman Zhou Xiaopeng extended a warm welcome to the arrival of General Manager Liu Huafeng and his party, and gave a detailed introduction to CNBM's 50-year company construction history, main products, performance and development direction. Afterwards, the two parties exchanged ideas on the expansion of the international market and the project engineering of the gypsum series product production line, and focused on in-depth discussions on future cooperation and win-win results in the international market.


       The outstanding foreign business manager said that through this visit and investigation, he personally learned about the process of the gypsum board production line. During the visit, the two sides exchanged experiences and learned a lot, which benefited him a lot. At the same time, it also opened up the international market for both parties and established long-term friendly cooperation.